Welcome Lunch

Church is not an event to attend, but a place to belong

Welcome Lunch

     If you are new to Haven or have attended our Sunday Services a few times, we would love to invite you to our next welcome lunch.

If you are curious to know more about our church and would like to connect with some people from Haven, then this is the perfect place.

At the Welcome Lunch we will give you a taste of who we are as a church, and we will answer any questions you might sit with.

Not only that, but we give a free lunch. What is not to like?

So come join us, we would love to get to know you and give you an opportunity to get to know us too.  


What will be happening at a Welcome Lunch?
There will be a short presentation about Haven while we enjoy a good lunch. At the end of the presentation, we will open up for any questions you might have. You will also be able to meet our Lead pastor and people who is part of Haven.

How long is the Welcome Lunch?
1 hour. We will meet shortly after the Sunday Service at 1pm and the Welcome Lunch will finish at 2pm.

Where is the Welcome Lunch being hosted?
The Welcome Lunch is hosted at Wycliffe College. So, you can easily go directly from the service to the Welcome Lunch.

When is the next Welcome Lunch?
You can see in the registration below see when the next Welcome Lunch is happening. There you can also register for it. We would love to hang out with you!  
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Contact us |  admin@haven-toronto.ca